One Great Smile Has Thirty-Two Parts

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Periodontal Disease Diagnosis

Your dentist and hygienist will assess the condition of your teeth and gums when they clean, x-ray, examine, periodontally probe, and test their mobility. Typically, patients with deep pockets, bone loss, and mobile teeth are found to have periodontal disease.

Many times, the early stages of periodontal disease are best treated with non-surgical periodontal therapy. Even in severe cases, non-surgical periodontal therapy often precedes surgical therapy. This is done to improve the overall tissue quality prior to surgery and also to help limit the areas requiring surgery.

Smoking & Periodontal Disease

You are probably familiar with the links between tobacco use and lung disease, cancer and heart disease. Current studies have now linked tobacco usage with periodontal disease. These cases may be even more severe than those of non-users of tobacco. There is a greater incidence of calculus formation on teeth, deeper pockets between gums and teeth, as well as greater loss of the bone and fibers that hold teeth in your mouth. In addition, your chance of developing oral cancer increases with the use of smokeless tobacco.

Chemicals in tobacco such as nicotine and tar, slow down healing and the predictability of success following periodontal treatment. Problems caused by tobacco include lung disease, heart disease, cancer, mouth sores, gum recession, loss of bone and teeth, bad breath, tooth staining, and less success with periodontal treatment and with dental implants. Quitting tobacco will reduce the chance of developing the above problems.