Have you had a recent visit to the dentist where removal of your wisdom teeth was recommended? Why is this important and why should you not ignore this treatment recommendation? Most people will have four wisdom teeth, also known as your third molars. They are the...
Have you ever wondered when to call your medical doctor or when to call your dentist? Tic Douloureax, also known as Trigeminal Neuralgia is sharp pain to the face, typically on one side, that can be triggered by brushing teeth, applying makeup, eating, drinking,...
Starting October 20th, we will be giving pumpkins to all kids, ages 12 and under, who have an appointment. If a child has more than one appointment during the month, they can choose a pumpkin at each visit. Pumpkins will be displayed throughout the lobby and the child...
Are you a canker sore sufferer? Do you know the difference between a canker sore and a cold sore? If you struggle with frequent canker sores, we can offer some advice and help, including one treatment that can provide immediate relief. First, let’s distinguish between...
Tooth sensitivity after dental treatment is very common, but nonetheless irritating. Why would a tooth hurt after it has just been restored? Has something gone wrong? What do I do? These are common questions with simple and complex answers. Why would a tooth hurt...