As a courtesy, we will file your insurance claims for you to assist you in receiving the insurance benefits for which you are entitled. Your insurance is typically provided by your employer. It is your responsibility to know and be aware of your benefits. The portion, and which fees are reimbursed, are determined by the contract between the insurance company and your employer, or your insurance company and you.
We deal with many different insurance companies. Some companies offer many different dental and medical plans. These companies can change benefits, co-pays and deductibles many times throughout the year. We will do our best to provide you with accurate coverage estimates based on information available to us; however, it is an estimate only. We are not responsible for not “catching” a policy limitation specific to your plan.
Insurance companies will often bundle or deny services that they feel are not necessary or that they think should be included in another fee. You can be confident that we will always provide you with our best services without regard to limitations imposed by your insurance company. You are responsible for what your insurance company does not pay. Most dental insurance policies are limited and often only pay for a portion of the procedure(s) that need to be performed.